
Grand Prix – Photo of the year at Beta Agency regional contest 2021

''Trapped'' photo of the year 2021 - Photographer Sanja Knezevic winning Grand Prix for the Best photo of the year at Beta contest

It is my greatest honor that I won the biggest regional Beta Agency contest. This is my second year in an row and third time to win Grand Prix at this contest, allover sixth time to win photo of the year in Serbia and region including other contests. The photo which is awarded is “Trapped” from July’s protest in Belgrade 2020. The exhibition is oppened by the H.E. Thomas Shieb, German Ambassador to Serbia, who handed over the award.

Neizmerana mi je čast da sam i ove godine osvojila najznačajniji konkurs u Srbiji i regionu ”Fotografiju godine agencije Beta”. Ovo je moj drugi put za redom i ukupno treći put da osvajam glavnu nagradu na ovom prestižnom konkursu, a sve ukupno šesti put da osvajam fotografiju godine uključujuči druge konkurse. Nagrađena fotografija na ovogodišnjem konkursu je ”U klopci” već prepoznatljiva daleko izvan granica i fotografskih krugova. Izložbu je otvorilo njegova ekselencija Nemacki ambasador u Srbiji Thomas Shieb, koji je uručio nagradu.

Photographer Sanja Knezevic winning Grand Prix for the Best photo of the year 2021. Beta contest





Photographer Sanja Knezevic winning Grand Prix for the Best photo of the year 2021. Beta contest






























Photographer Sanja Knezevic winning Grand Prix for the Best photo of the year 2021. Beta contest''Trapped'' photo of the year 2021 - Photographer Sanja Knezevic winning Grand Prix for the Best photo of the year at Beta contest