
Monthly Archives: January 2021

paul lowe online vii academy

Attending another VII Academy with Paul Lowe and Ziyah Gafic

I have a pleasure to be chosen again to attend prestige VII Academy, level 2. Sarajevo Seminar For Documentary and Narrative Practice by the VII Academy

Trapped Sanja Knezevic

How I took the photo of the year in Serbia

The summer 2020 in Belgrade was marked by a one-week July protests provoked by the announced reintroduction of drastic isolation measures to prevent the spread of the Corona virus pandemic. Since late February Serbian Authorities have been implementing inconsistent, incomprehensible and contradictory anti-pandemic measures that have resulted in the loss of trust in the government and its Crisis Center. In the beginning of the pandemic, the government underplayed the seriousness of the threat labeling Corona “the most laughable virus in […]

sanja knezevic vii academy photojournalism

Vii Academy assignment

This is the \’\’street photo\’\’ assignment, which I done in my hometown Belgrade. Final edit is done by the tutor Christopher Morris who selflessly shares his experience and knowledge with the participants at the vii academy.

Trapped Sanja Knezevic

Kako je nastala fotografija godine „U klopci”

Leto u Beogradu 2020. obeležili su jednonedeljni julski protesti koji su nastali zbog najavljenog ponovnog uvođenja drastičnih mera izolacije povodom sprečavanja širenja pandemije virusa Korona. Da podsetim, u martu 2020. nakon prethodnog ismevanja virusa, vlast je odjednom uvela vanredno stanje koje je trajalo gotovo dva mesca i tokom kojeg je bio uveden policijski čas i višednevne izolacije. Tada su najveću cenu platili penzioneri stariji od 65 godina, kojima je tek posle mesec dana dozvoljen izlazak radi kupovine i to u […]